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Navigating the UK's Youth Mobility Scheme: A Gateway for Indian Graduates to Explore the UK

Published Fri, 26 Jan 2024 by  Edubuild Learning

Navigating the UK's Youth Mobility Scheme: A Gateway for Indian Graduates to Explore the UK

Navigating the UK's Youth Mobility Scheme: A Gateway for Indian Graduates to Explore the UK

Dive deep into the UK's Youth Mobility Scheme, an exciting opportunity for young Indian graduates to live and work in the UK. From eligibility criteria to application processes, this guide covers it all, making the journey to the UK an enriching experience.

Overview of the Youth Mobility Scheme (YMS) Visa:

The UK's Youth Mobility Scheme (YMS) is a transformative initiative providing young adults, aged 18-30, from various countries, including India, the chance to immerse themselves in the vibrant culture of the United Kingdom. This scheme replaces the previous T5 (Temporary Worker) route, allowing applicants a two-year window to live, work, and explore the UK.

Recent Developments:

In a ground-breaking move, the UK has granted 3,000 Visas for Indian nationals under the UK India Young Professions scheme. This initiative, a result of a brief meeting between Prime Minister Modi and Rishi Sunak, offers a unique opportunity for Indian citizens aged 18-30 to engage in both professional and cultural exchanges. India stands as the first visa-national country to benefit from this scheme. You can upgrade to a skilled worker visa after 2 years under the Youth Mobility Scheme.

Application Process:

1. Eligibility Criteria:

  • Age Requirement: Applicants must be between 18 and 30 years old.
  • Nationality: Indian citizens are eligible for the YMS visa.
  • Educational Background: For Indian applicants, a bachelor's degree and a minimum of three years of professional work experience from the UK's Skilled Occupations list are required.
  • Financial Capability: Applicants must have £2,530 in the form of savings or fixed deposit for 28 days within the 31 days of the application.
  • Dependents: Applicants must not have children less than 18 years financially dependent on them.

2. How to Apply:

  • Begin the application process six months before the planned travel.
  • Apply online, providing accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Pay the visa application fee and the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS).
  • Undergo a tuberculosis test as required.
  • Attend a visa application center to submit biometric information and necessary documents.

3. Identity Verification:

  • Use the UK Immigration: ID Check app to scan your identity document.
  • Create or sign in to your UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) account.
  • Attend a visa application center for fingerprinting and photographing.

4. Decision and Travel:

  • Wait for a decision on the visa application, typically within three weeks.
  • Plan travel to the UK within the specified timeframe if the visa is approved.

Extension of the Youth Mobility Scheme Visa:

For those eager to extend their stay in the UK, consider the following steps:

  1. Apply Before Expiry:
    • Submit an extension application before the current YMS visa expires.
  2. Eligibility Check:
    • Ensure that you still meet the eligibility criteria for the extension.
  3. Financial Proof:
    • Provide evidence of financial capability to support yourself during the extended stay.
  4. Biometric Residence Permit Renewal:
    • If successful, receive a new Biometric Residence Permit reflecting the extended validity.
  5. Continue Cultural Exchange:
    • Enjoy an extended stay in the UK, furthering your cultural exchange and exploring new opportunities.

Fees and Other Charges:

Understanding the financial aspects of the YMS visa is crucial:

  • Visa Fees: £259
  • Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS): Currently £470

Stay Rules:

  1. No Access to Public Funds:
    • If you have a valid visa under the Youth Mobility Scheme, you can't use public funds. It means you can't get financial support from the government during your stay.
  2. Work Opportunities:
    • You're free to work, but there are a couple of exceptions. You can work in any profession, except as a Sportsperson or Sports Coach. So, if you're not into sports coaching or playing, you're good to go.
  3. Self-Employment:
    • If you're thinking about being your own boss, you can! You can be self-employed, but there are some conditions. You can't have any employees, and the equipment for your business shouldn't be worth more than £5000. Also, your business place can't be anywhere other than your home.

Switching Routes:

  • If you're on the Youth Mobility Scheme and have your eyes on a different immigration route, like the Skilled Worker Visa or the Start-Up route, you can make the switch. And the best part is you can do it before your Youth Mobility Scheme visa (T5) expires while you're still in the UK.


The UK's Youth Mobility Scheme opens doors for young Indian graduates to embark on a transformative journey in the United Kingdom. From cultural immersion to professional growth, this scheme offers a holistic experience. By understanding the eligibility criteria, application process, and extension procedures, applicants can navigate the complexities with confidence. The recent initiatives highlighting the UK India Young Professions scheme further solidify the UK's commitment to fostering global exchanges. For young Indians seeking a blend of cultural exploration and professional development, the Youth Mobility Scheme is indeed a gateway to unparalleled opportunities in the heart of the United Kingdom.

Also read: The Ultimate Guide to the UK Work Visa Tier 2: Requirements, Application Process, and Benefits


1: Can I bring dependents with me under the Youth Mobility Scheme?

A: No, the Youth Mobility Scheme does not allow immigrants to bring dependents. They must apply separately.

2: Can I switch to the Skilled Worker Visa during the two-year stay?

A: Yes, within the two-year period, immigrants can seek employment, and if eligible, they can switch to the Skilled Worker Visa.

3: Is there an age limit for applying for the Youth Mobility Scheme?

A: Yes, applicants must be between 18 and 30 years old at the time of application.

4: What is the financial requirement for the Youth Mobility Scheme?

A: Applicants must have £2,530 in savings or fixed deposit for 28 days within 31 days of the application.

5: How long does it take to get a decision on the visa application?

A: Usually, applicants receive a decision within three weeks after applying online, proving identity, and providing required documents.


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